About ESS
European Science Solutions company is owned, 50/50, by DB Group and Elenos Group the two most important Italian RF technology providers.
DB Group is composed by DB Elettronica Telecomunicazioni SpA, DB Asia Pacific PTE LTD, DB America LLC and Screen Future srl
Elenos group is composed by Elenos srl, Itelco Broadcast srl, company funded in consequence of the Electrosys acquisition, Binary Core srl, ProTelevision Technologies, Elenos group latam and Broadcast Electronics LLC.
25.000 €
Aggregate Turnover
Employees or stable co-worker
10.500 €
Aggregate Turnover
Employees or stable co-worker
The main heritage immediately available to European Science Solutions, is the largest expertise capability and knowledge background available worldwide, that has realized the most important RF scientific technology solutions along the last twenty years.
we cower technology knowledge on cavity-tube and solid state RF generators, driver amplifiers, switching power supplies
over twenty years for cooling system, liquid and air cooled
Production Facilities
in four different locations, one in Padova, one in Roma and two in Orvieto.
Serving a company’s broadcast needs is a huge responsibility that we take very seriously.
ESS bases its offer and sales on a market spread all over the globe and, in order to provide effective solutions to local customers.
The ESS organization manages: the monitoring of processes, products and services provided from the suppliers, ensuring the quality of supplies.
Service aims to provide a fast, professional and complete assistance for maintaining and operating the equipment.
Technicians, installers and field engineers are always available for providing information and technical instructions.
To ensure a high production flexibility and the delivery on time, all produced parts by DB will be produced even by Elenos group